Access Bars Package

Access Bars

access bars energy healing massage

Are you ready to release limitations, expand your consciousness, and experience profound relaxation? 

Access Bars is a unique energy healing technique that involves gently touching specific points on the head. These points, known as "Bars," correspond to different aspects of your life, including joy, healing, creativity, peace, and more. By lightly activating these Bars, you can release the electromagnetic charge of thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that may be holding you back. 

During your Access Bars session you will:

Experience Deep Relaxation: Access Bars induces a state of deep relaxation, allowing your mind and body to let go of stress, tension, and mental clutter.

Release Limiting Beliefs: By releasing energetic blockages, Access Bars helps to clear limiting beliefs, patterns, and judgments, creating space for new possibilities and empowering transformation.

Expand Consciousness: Access Bars facilitates expanded consciousness and awareness, opening doors to new insights, creativity, and greater clarity in your life.

Enhance Well-being: As energetic shifts occur during the session, many people report feeling lighter, calmer, and more at peace, experiencing positive shifts in their overall well-being.

5x 45min Access Bars- £175 (saving £20 off the regular price)


Meet your Practitioner

jadwiga james homeopath profile photo

Jadwiga James

Licensed Homeopath

Access Bars Practitioner

Biomagnetic Pair Therapy Practitioner

Advanced Bioresonance Practitioner

Hello, my name is Jadwiga James, I'm a registered member of the Complementary Medical Association as an Advanced Bioresonance Practitioner, Biomagnetic Pair Therapy Practitioner and a Homeopath with postgraduate certification in Human Chemistry Homeopathy (formerly known as HDT) which a multi-level rebalancing programme tailored to you and your chronic health problems.

I also hold diplomas in Herbal Medicine, Dowsing and I'm an Access Bars Practitioner.

I hold special interest in allergies, digestive health and hormonal imbalances.

I first saw homeopathy at work when I was looking for solution to my son's chronic health problems which included multiple allergies, severe sensitivities, eczema, monthly ear infections and beginning of asthma (it was the prescription of a 'brown inhaler' which has made me draw the line on further medicating).

Having witnessed the scope of action the homeopathic remedies have had on him, I had to understand how homeopathy works and decided to train to become a homeopath myself!

What I love about homeopathy the most is that doesn't cause any side effects and that it doesn't add any more burden to the toxic load our bodies are having to deal with on every day basis, as well as the fact that I never stop learning and discovering just how much change it can bring to people's lives.